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Nature's Best Winner 2014 "Power of Nature"


Zwei interaktive 360° Aurora-Panoramen

Nach einem heftigen Ausbruch auf der Sonne (M-Class-Flare) kam es zu zwei spektakulären Polarlicht-Erscheinungen. Auf dem ältesten geologischen Fjell in Norwegen konnte das farbenfrohe Lichtspiel beobachtet und mit mehreren Kameras dokumentiert werden:

Aurora Explosion >

A Full Sky Aurora over Kirkenes >


Aurora seen from Kirkenes-Fjell, near the russian border; November 28th 2011

The predicted major event of November 28th I could see on the oldest geological field of Norway (Kirkenes-Fjell) near the russian border; it was phantastic!

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The November had ended with a heavy snowstorm. The December began with clear skies: During the outburst, Jupiter was surrounded by streamers of green light.

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 1st 2011

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 1st 2011

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 1st 2011

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 4th 2011

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 4th 2011
circular fisheye scene

DasThinktank Birmingham scince museum erwarb die Vorführlizenz dieser 180°-Aufnahme für seine Planetarium-Shows. Es handelt sich um eine 4K-FullDome-Animation mit 4.000 x 4.000 Bildpunkten.

Sollia, Kirkenes, Norway, Dec 4th 2011
circular fisheye scene


AURORA EXPLOSION: Saturday night on the border between Russia and Norway, the sky suddenly erupted in color. "It was like an aurora explosion," says Sebastian Voltmer of Kirkenes, Norway. "I was surprised to see a brightening snake forming an 'S' - like the first letter of my name, that appeared at 22.48 pm UT."


Aurora Time Lapse, Kirkenes Fjell, Norway - Nov 28, 2011

Aurora Time Lapse, Sollia, Norway - Dec 4, 2011

Aurora Explosion, Sollia, Norway - Dec 1, 2011


Auroral Entanglement

Das Motiv "A Full Sky Aurora over Norvay" (APOD) ist Ende Oktober 2012 auf dem Umschlag der Novelle "Auroral Entanglement" erschienen: www.auroraengineer.com

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The ESA Effect

In dem Werk "The ESA Effect" ist das 360°-Panorama aus dem Jahr 2011 "A Full Sky Aurora over Norvay" (APOD) doppelseitig abgedruckt worden. Das Motiv finden Sie auf den Seiten 82-83. Reinblättern >